John Balbarona's Blog, Page #3

crud operation page

CRUD operation in PHP and MySQL

A simple Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) feature using PHP and MySQL. In PDO and MySQLi (both in objected-oriented and procedural way).

upload image form

Upload image file with PHP and MySQL

An image uploading feature that can detect if an image is a real image and also create a unique filename. This feature will upload the image to the server's directory and then insert the filename into the database.


How to create a responsive two-column layout using Flexbox

A side-by-side contents on wider screens and on top of each other on narrow screens.


How to create responsive blog layout in CSS

Combining my previous post about responsive navbars, two-column layouts, and responsive images to create a blog layout in CSS.


How to make image responsive in CSS

We can make an image responsive by setting the width to a relative unit such as % and the height to auto.


How to create responsive navbar using css and JavaScript

Create a top navigation that turns to collapsible sidebar on narrow screen devices using HTML, CSS and a little bit of JavaScript.

© John Michael Balbarona